Head of Education and Outreach
Wong Chun Fai

Graduated from the School of Drama at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 1996 with a major in Acting for Drama, and later earned a Master of Fine Arts in Drama and Theatre Education in 2016.

With over twenty years of experience as a drama tutor, Mr. Wong joined Chung Ying Theatre as the first Resident Teaching Artist in 2009 and has been promoted to Chief Resident Teaching Artist since 2016. He has been serving students from kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools, school teachers, adults, and elderly, while offering corporate training programmes for various organisations.

In 2008, Mr. Wong introduced oral history theatre to Hong Kong, thus staged the first-ever oral history theatre performance in the city, which allowed local elderly to weave their personal stories into drama play and perform them on stage. In light of the impacts of oral history theatre, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, District Council, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and other organisations showed their fervent support and helped expand the programme to all districts of Hong Kong. Today, Mr. Wong has written and directed over 15 oral history theatre plays, over 400 elderly were trained under him. On top of that, he also directed the first intergenerational oral history theatre performance Go For It! in 2022. With abundant experience in oral history theatre and a prospective visionary, Mr. Wong brought profound insights through his thesis presentation on the development of Hong Kong’s oral history theatre at the global conference organised by the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA) at France in 2013. In the following years, he introduced oral history drama production training to social service organsations in the Mainland, sharing his experience to a wider audience.

Art is the process of psychic discovery. Drama is not merely a form of performance, but a medium for pursuing the True, the Good and the Beautiful, thereby promoting humanism
Joined Chung Ying Theatre as the first Resident Teaching Artist in 2009. Promoted to Chief Resident Teaching Artist and later Head of Education and Outreach in 2016 and 2023.

Mr. Wong has spared no pain in promoting art education and community arts. He lives by his motto “art is the process of psychic discovery” and believes that drama is not merely a form of performance, but a medium for pursuing the True, the Good and the Beautiful, thereby promoting humanism. Since 2015, Mr. Wong has helped elderly centre earned Three-Star Certificate in “Care for the Elderly. We all Care” – Caring Institution Award Scheme under the Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR for three consecutive years. Besides, his oral history play, Community Oral History Theatre Programme (Shum Shui Po District) – Savouring the Fragrance of Shum Shui Po, received the Award for Arts Education (Certification of Merit, Non-School Division) from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2012, and later a finalist nomination at the 5th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2017 held in Singapore by Ageing Asia.